HMS Vanguard

104 years ago today HMS Vanguard was anchored in the Scapa Flow, when there was an explosion and it sank almost immediately. Of the 845 men on board, 843 drowned including my relative Sick Berth Attendant Frederick Charles Teucher who was 24 when he died.

Frederick began his naval career when he enlisted on 3rd August 1912 and began work as a probationary sick berth attendant on board HMS Pembroke I. A week later he was sent to Chatham Hospital where he remained until 1st August 1914. A year to the day he enlisted he was confirmed as a sick berth attendant. On 2nd August 1914 he was posted to HMS Vanguard where he remained until his death. In August 1915 he was passed provisionally as a 2nd sick berth attendant which was confirmed on 1st July 1917, just 8 days before his death. Throughout his naval career his character was very good aside from 3 days he spent in cells for reasons unknown.

Frederick is commemorated at Chatham Naval Memorial

Thanks for reading 🙂

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